Discover how others truly see you with our Quiz
Take our insightful Self-Awareness quiz, share it with friends, and gain valuable insights into your personality and relationships.
How It Works
Self-Awareness Quiz is a fun and insightful way to understand how your friends and family perceive you. Take the quiz, share it, and compare results in just a few easy steps.
Take the Quiz
Answer our carefully crafted questions about your personality, habits, and preferences.
Share with Friends
Invite friends and family to answer questions about you.
Gain Insights
Compare your self-perception with how others see you.
Gain Valuable Insights
Discover how others perceive you and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
Compare Insights: You vs. Your Circle
See responses from you and your friends at a glance. Compare answers across key self-awareness areas like adaptability and social skills. Easy-to-read format helps track your progress over time.
Dashboard Overview
See friend responses, self-friend alignment, and your biggest blind spot. Compare self-assessment with friend feedback across all categories.
Self-Awareness Gap
Uncover your self-awareness blind spots at a glance. Positive bars show overestimation, negative bars indicate underestimation, highlighting areas for personal growth.
Self vs Peer Perception
See how your self-view compares to peer perceptions across key personal skills. This visual snapshot reveals alignment and differences in crucial areas of your interpersonal effectiveness.
Unlock Self-Awareness
Your journey to better relationships and personal growth starts here.
Perfect for individuals curious about self-discovery.
- Share with up to 2 friends
- Basic insight report
- Core self-awareness metrics
Ideal for those seeking deeper insights and connections.
- Share with up to 10 friends
- Detailed insight report
- Comparison analytics
For the ultimate self-awareness enthusiast.
- Share with unlimited friends
- Comprehensive insight report
- Advanced analytics and trends
Ready to Discover Yourself?
Take the SelfAware Quiz now and start your journey to better self-understanding and improved relationships.